Managing Portal Users

Both firm administrators and portal administrators can create and manage portal users. Most administrative tasks for portal users begin on the Manage Portal Users window. On this page, you can display a list of portal users for the portals you have access to. Then, you can select individual users for whom you need to perform administrative tasks.

To manage portal users, do the following:

  1. After logging in to your portal, click the Administration tab on the navigation panel.
  2. Select Setup > Manage portal users.
  3. Do either of the following as needed to locate users on this page:
  4. ClosedView a list of all users for a specific portal. If you only have access to a single portal, this step is not needed.

    1. In the Search portals box, begin typing the portal name. The system displays a list of portals with names that match the words you have typed. Select the correct portal from the list.
    2. Note: If the Search portal box does not display for you, click the arrow beside the Filter users box, and select Portal Name from the list. The Filter users box becomes the Search portal box.

    3. Click View. All client users for the selected portal display in the grid.

    ClosedSearch for a specific portal user by email address.

    1. If the Filter users box is not displayed above the grid, click the down arrow beside the Search portals box, and then select Email Address from the list.
    2. Enter the email address you are searching for in the Filter users box.
    3. Click the Filter button . If you have permission to edit portal users, the User Information window for the user displays. If you do not have permission to edit portal users, the user displays in the grid for your information.
  5. Perform any of the following management tasks as needed:
  6. ClosedCreate a new user for a portal.

    1. Using the procedure above, locate the portal that the new user should have access to. This step is not necessary if you only have access to one portal.
    2. Click Create at the bottom of the window to display the User Information window.
    3. Enter information for the new user on the Personal tab.
    4. Select the Portal Access and Security tab.
    5. Do one of the following as needed to select portal access and security options for this user:
      • Set access rights for one portal at a time. Change the access and security rights for an individual portal, and then click Save.
      • Set access rights for multiple portals at the same time. When you set access options for multiple portals at one time, you cannot select to provide client area access. Otherwise, the access rights you can select are the same as those for setting options one portal at a time. To update multiple portals, do the following:
        1. For each portal you want to update, select the box to the left of the Portal Name.
        2. Click Update Multiple.
        3. Change the selections as needed in the Update Multiples window.
        4. Click Save.

      Note: You can assign additional portal access rights to the user by clicking the Add Portal button and selecting an additional portal.

    ClosedEdit an existing user.

    1. Do one of the following to open the User Information for the user you want to edit:
      • Generate a list of users for the portal that you are adding a new user for. Select a user, and then click Edit selected.
      • Search for a specific user by email address.
    2. Edit information for the users on the Personal tab.
    3. Select the Portal Access and Security tab.
    4. Do one of the following as needed to select portal access and security options for this user:
      • Set access rights for one portal at a time. Change the access and security rights for an individual portal, and then click Save.
      • Set access rights for multiple portals at the same time. When you set access options for multiple portals at one time, you cannot select to provide client area access. Otherwise, the access rights you can select are the same as those for setting options one portal at a time. To update multiple portals, do the following:
        1. For each portal you want to update, select the box to the left of the Portal Name.
        2. Click Update Multiple.
        3. Change the selections as needed in the Update Multiples window.
        4. Click Save.

      Note: You can assign additional portal access rights to the user by clicking the Add Portal button and selecting an additional portal.

    ClosedDelete a portal user.

    1. Generate a list of users for the portal that you are deleting a user for.
    2. Select the box for the user you are deleting.
    3. Click Delete Selected.
    4. Click OK.

    ClosedSend a password reset email for a user.

    1. Generate a list of users for the portal the user has access to and for which you are resetting the password.
    2. Select the box for the user who needs a new password.
    3. Click Send email.
    4. Click OK.

    ClosedManually send a Portal User Creation email notification to a user.

    If needed, the firm administrator can send or resend the Portal User Creation email notification to a new portal user from this page. This feature is useful if you disable email notifications when you create portals in batches, or if the new user cannot find or did not receive the initial email.

    Note: Only the Portal User Creation email can be sent from this page. You can manually send the email that notifies portal administrators of new portals from the Manage Portals page.

    To send a portal creation notification, do the following:

    1. Generate a list of users for the portal that the user has access to.
    2. Select the box for the user you are sending an email to.
    3. Click Send email.
    4. Review the Email Delivery Status column for the selected users to verify that the email was delivered successfully.
    5. Note: Once you exit the Manage Portal Users window, the Email Delivery Status column will be cleared.

ClosedTell me about the information displayed in the Manage Portal User grid.